I’ve always loved amber – hey, I’m a Leo and a redhead – so of course I love a stone the color of the sun and/or fire. Through the years, I’ve always mixed my own clouded amber, which was a true labor of love. I had mixed it with the older Sculpey colored translucents, as well as just Translucent with alcohol inks.
For this piece, I even made my own bead caps with Premo Silver and Gold and my trusty Etch n’ Pearls.
See how the amber has a slight shimmer? That’s the Premo Gold in it. Just a dash…
I also experimented with alcohol inks mixed into the translucent clays. I was wire wrapping at the time..
And I added other colors in as well to created these oooollld extruded bracelets (still a project on sculpey.com)
So the new Premo Amber Translucent is a TWO THUMBS UP for me! First, I no longer have to mix and Second, I NO LONGER HAVE TO MIX and well, it’s just gorgeous. The color bakes to what the unbaked looks like – although it tends to look brighter in thinner pieces (that are TRULY translucent). A quick wash of a Citadel brown (Contrast Snakebite Leather) or a Citadel Agrax Earthshade is perfect for an antiqued look. You can see in the photo below how much it bakes to the unbaked color.
I’ve been playing with cold fushion to make my own metal bezels. Here is the one I made with the new amber. I get so many comments when I wear this necklace and most people do NOT believe that this is not really amber.
And just this week I got into my stash of metal findings. How easy is it to make a little patty of Amber and press a finding into it to create MAGIC! Oh, I love Stupid Simple!
If you want to know more about real amber (and all your favorite jewels) check out Victoria Finlay’s book, Jewels – a Secret History on Amazon. One of my books that I can read over and over. Each chapter is like a short story. And SOMEONE needs to make a movie of the chapter on pearls. (These findings are from Filigree & Me)
xoxo, syn